Get Equipped

I can remember when I started nursing school. I can remember the thoughts and feeling of not being up to the task. I would see these seasoned nurses and I could see a clear distinction between my skill level and theirs, but I realized something. Do you know what the...

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Know Your Worth!

I was pumping gas the other day and I had a thought. Those numbers on the gas pump represented my life! More than that, they represented my value according to the world. At the time of writing this post, minimum wage in Louisiana is $7.25/hr. and a gallon of gasoline...

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Blessed for a Purpose

All that we have, we have for a purpose. Our gifts, talents, and our resources have been given to us by God for a purpose. That purpose is not primarily for our benefit and enjoyment. This goes for the blessings of God for the individual Christian and for the church...

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